Today we did something really special.
My private student is really interested in tech so I decided to try some
Arduino Uno projects with him.
今日はとっておきの特別な事をクラスでしました。プライベートクラスの生徒さんがテクノロジーに興味を持っているので、Arduino Uno を使ったプロジェクトに挑戦しました。
We started out by googling
some easy starter projects we could do.
After we found a good How-to youtube video, Y-kun dove right in.
Youtube でやり方を説明したビデオを観たら、Y君、さっそく取り掛かりました!
Our first project was to make an LED light up.
Next we added a momentary buttons..
WE DID IT!!!!! Y-kun had a great class learning about electrical circuits and prototyping all while in the environment of English.
NEXT!! on to our next project. trying to program the Arduino.